Book Cover Illustration

Arame Farpado no Paraíso

Graphite and Digital Color
70 x 35 cm (14 x 21 printed)

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Ilustração para a capa e vinhetas do livro Arame Farpado no Paraíso, de Tiago Cavaco, pastor da Igreja da Lapa, em Lisboa, publicado pela Editora Mundo Cristão, 2021. Abaixo as ilustrações, fotos do livro impresso e algumas variações.

Cover art and other illustrations for the book Arame Farpado no Paraíso (Barded Wire in Paradise – free translation) written by Tiago Cavaco, a priest from Lapa Church, in Lisbon. The book was published by Mundo Cristão. Below are the original drawings with a few variants and pictures of the printed book.

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