Exhibition / 2014

Futuro do Pretérito

Posca Pen / Watercolor
4.50 x 2.40 m Panel
Sep – Nov 2014

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Futuro do Pretérito foi uma instalação feita para integrar a Mostra Rios e Ruas, que funcionou de 17 de outubro a 30 de novembro de 2014 na Praça Victor Civita, em São Paulo.

O tema da mostra, resumidamente, ou seu ponto de partida, era a relação dos rios (ocultos ou não) com as ruas; os processos de urbanização que foram selando a riqueza hídrica no subsolo ao longo dos anos e a contrapartida dos artistas a partir do momento em que tiveram consciência do patrimônio sepultado. A primeira imagem reproduz a composição feita para a instalação, em cinco painéis de madeira apoiados na parede. Cada painel tinha 0.90 x 2.40 m, totalizando 4.5 x 2.40 m. Na sequência, as imagens mostram de forma ampliada cada quadro que compõe o painel. Seus tamanhos variam de aproximadamente 20 x 30 cm a 90 x 60 cm.

Futuro do Pretérito (future of the past, free translation), was part of a major exhibition called Mostra Rios e Ruas (Streets and Rivers Exhibition), open to the public from October 17th to November 30th of 2014, at Victor Civita plaza, São Paulo City, Brasil.

The subject of the exhibition, or the starting point for the artists called to participate, was the relation of São Paulo’s rivers with the rest of the city, its streets and inhabitants. As may not be so obvious for foreigners, the city’s river were long buried, taken out of the surface and treated as a danger more than a bless, remembered only when the rain made then overflow and flood the role city.

The first image reproduces the main panel, 4.5 x 2.4 meters wide, supporting the frames. The subsequent images are enlarged reproductions of the frames that composed the graphic narrative. Their size varies from 20 x 30 cm to 90 x 50 cm. The story they tell, in resume is that the city ran out of water completely, which was followed by the mass departure of its citizens. Later the rain came, so hard that the city was flooded and another way of living grew from the ruins.
















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